Learn To Build A Soundproof Home Recording Studio


Go from feeling overwhelmed and confused to having a fully soundproof and acoustically treated professional quality recording studio.

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See What Results My Students Are Getting

"Hey Wilson, I just wanted to express my gratitude for your amazing course. It has really helped me fast-track my project for my basement studio. Your course is super well-made and I appreciate how accessible you are. I've been creating online courses for years and I have to say, yours is top-notch with short, informative sessions. I usually use Thinkific and similar platforms, but your course has exceeded my expectations. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. I can't wait for your response, brother!"
Jorge Gill, Atlanta-based content creator for CrossExamined.org, Owner of social media agency WorldviewMedia.org
"SoundProof Your Studio is a great course for those wanting to get into home recording from demoing all the way up to making a professional studio record! Wilson has broken down a ton of material into discrete, short videos jam-packed with all the tools and tricks for building a solid studio space to capture high quality recordings at home. It is a practical and honest approach from an experienced musician in the music industry who cares deeply about artist creativity and success. I highly recommend signing up, it has been incredibly helpful as an independent artist!
Ky Burt, Americana/Folk Musician based out of Pacifiic Northwest

Wilson Harwood

Hey! I'm Wilson Harwood - Music Producer, Artist, and founder of Soundproof Your Studio

I Always Wanted A Professional Soundproof Recording Studio


Let's face it recording in a spare bedroom is fun and exciting at first, but as you get better you need a quiet great sounding space to record in. 

I was just like you. I bought some gear, set it up in a spare room in my house and began making music. But I would have to stop when trucks where backing up, when dogs barked, or when the neighbors mowed the lawn. 

I also wanted a space that showed I was professional and knew what I was doing to help land clients for my studio.

So, like you I set out to build my dream home recording studio. But then I was overwhelmed with conflicting information on Youtube and in books. I lost sleep at night wondering how to soundproof my HVAC system, what about ventilation? 

How would I build a soundproof enough door and window? Would all this effort even work?

How much would this studio cost, and how do I treat low frequencies? 

Where do I put acoustic panels? Can I build my own? What room dimensions are best for sound?

Should I angle my walls or keep them parallel? Should I use Rockwool insulation or just fluffy fiberglass pink insulation? 

Does Green Glue really work? What about MLV? What about QuietRock...someone mentioned that as an option?

Do I really need ventilation? Isn't opening the door enough?

You get the point. My head was spinning with endless options and no clear path of how to build this dream home recording studio!!!


There Is A Lot Of Misleading Information On The Internet

I want to go over some of those with you right now! 

1) Floating A Floor Will Make It Soundproof (Myth)

Floating a really heavy floor will make it soundproof, but it must weigh as much as a concrete slab. Simply floating a wood deck will only help with foot noise, but will not stop low bass frequencies. 

2) Placing Egg Cartons on the wall will help make your room sound better (Myth)

Egg cartons do not have any absorptive properties, so therefore you will not improve a room with them. Using acoustic panels spaced in the right places is the best way to improve a room. 

3) How do I build a soundproof wall to keep out my noisy neighbors? (Myth)

 You cannot soundproof just a wall. You must think of the whole room as a single unit. To keep out noisy neighbors you must soundproof the floor, walls, ceiling, windows and door. Soundproofing is an all or nothing job. 

4) I saw on Youtube I could just hang soundproofing curtains as a cheap way to soundproof room. (Myth)

 Soundproofing curtains may help reduce reflections in your room thus making it sound better inside, but they won't help much with keeping sound in or out of your room. 

5) There are cheap ways to soundproof a room (Myth).

 As much as I wish it wasn't so, there is no easy cheap solution to really soundproof a room. Soundproofing requires construction which requires the cost of labor and materials. On top of that the labor takes longer and you need more materials than traditional building methods. All of this is to say, if you want it done right you also want a big enough budget to do so. 

Then I Found A Solution!


As you can imagine my stress levels were a little high with the overwhelming task of answering all those questions. However, I came across a little book called Home Recording Studio: Build It Like The Pros by Rod Gervais. 

This book had an outline of how to build a home recording studio, but it was written at a college engineer's level. I just wanted to make music! Now I had to understand engineering too. 

Probably much like you, I was determined to build this studio and I really wanted it to be soundproof and sound great inside. 

I read and re-read Gervai's book over and over trying to grasp his wording and concepts. Eventually, I felt I could teach a contractor how to build a soundproof studio. 

In comes my contractor Henry Thompson. I met Henry through a friend and we instantly got along great. The only problem was...Henry had never built a soundproof recording studio. 


However, he did know how to build a house. So we set out building the studio side by side. I would teach him the soundproofing design ideas and he would teach me the construction process. We made a pretty good team. 

We built the studio in my backyard and in the end it is absolutely amazing. 

However, it was not without a lot of trouble shooting, some costly mistakes, and a lot of unknowns. The whole time I was just praying this studio would be soundproof. I mean neither one of us had done this before!!!



In the end the studio is beyond my widest dreams. We had to do a lot of work to get there, but now I know the process and it is crystal clear! 


I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did and I want this to be a clear, simple process so you can get to doing what you ultimately want to do...making music:)


This is an end-to-end, turn key, proven system that will guide you from having a dream in your head to having a fully built soundproof home recording studio. 

My Simple Soundproofing Method Course will help you:  

Build Something You Know Will Work

You don't have to worry if your design will be soundproof. We have a proven concept now you just need to build it!

Record Whenever You Want

Never have to stop a session again because of a noisy car driving by. If it is 1am and you want to bang on some drums..go ahead! No one will hear you. 

Create A Room That Sounds Amazing

Not only will you have a soundproof room, but your room will sound incredible. You will hear the mix perfectly and be able to record knowing the end result will be nothing short of professional.

Invest In Your Art, Career and Life

Your studio will be an investment in your home, your career and your art. The studio will add to your home value. Your music will sound better and your mixes will be more professional. Your sense of accomplishment of having built your dream home studio...well that is priceless! 

How To Build A Soundproof Studio is an online course that gives you the tools and proven system to create a a great sounding soundproof home recording studio. 

Over the course of eight action packed and easy to follow modules I'll lay out my exact method for designing and building your soundproof studio without skipping a single step.

This program is focused on four core areas:

With these four core components you will have everything you need to complete your dream home recording studio. 

Here is a sneak peak of what is inside the over 40+ video lessons of How To Build A Soundproof Studio:

Module 1

  • Learn the fundamentals of soundproofing. 
  • Learn the difference between soundproofing and acoustic treatment. 
  • Learn the mistakes I made and what I would have done differently

Module 2

  • Learn the ideal room dimensions for your studio.
  • Learn the the key people you will need to build your team for making the studio build a breeze.
  • Learn the key floor, wall, door, window and ceiling design options you have for soundproofing.
  • Learn the HVAC and Ventilation System design options you have.
  • Learn how to calculate your budget and get some accurate numbers on how much your studio will cost. 

Module 3

  • Learn all about codes and permits for your build.
  • Learn how to build your soundproof wall systems.
  • Discover key components of your electrical system and how it affects sound.
  • Learn about acoustic putty pads and how to install them.
  • Learn how to insulate your studio and what insulation we recommend. 
  • Learn how to build three different soundproof door designs. 
  • Learn how to build soundproof windows
  • Learn how to build your soundproof ceiling
  • Learn how to install your HVAC system 
  • Learn how to install your Ventilation system. 
  • Learn how to install your internet and an engineered hardwood floor.

Module 4

  • Learn the basics of sound and acoustics
  • Learn about room modes and non-modal waves and why they are bad for acoustics.
  • Learn about flutter echo and comb filtering.

Module 5

  • Learn how to set up your speakers and listening position for optimum playback.
  • Learn exactly where to sit in your room for mixing and monitoring
  • Learn where to place your speakers in relation to your walls.
  • Learn how to use room correction software to improve the accuracy of your listening position. 

Module 6

  • Learn an overview of acoustic treatment. 
  • The pros and cons of building your own panels vs. buying them.
  • How to use special acoustic room software to visualize your room.
  • Where to place and how to hang your acoustic panels. 
  • How to build your own acoustic panels. 
  • Learn if carpet helps with acoustics. 

Module 7

  • Learn my number one trick for radio ready vocals.
  • Learn about vocal reflection filters and which ones I recommend. 
  • Learn why I wouldn't build a vocal booth.

Module 8

  • Learn some design concepts for an aesthetically pleasing studio vibe.
  • Learn my tricks for lighting and what lights I used. 
  • Learn how to make your studio not only soundproof, and sounding good, but ready for Instagram as well.

This Is For You If...

  • You are super excited to build a life changing studio that will take your art and career to a whole new level. 
  • You are motivated to put in the work and learn about soundproofing, so you get it done right the first time. 
  • You know that cutting corners is a bad idea and understand that the details are where the magic happens with soundproofing.
  • You are eager to be a part of an amazing community that will both help you and you can help others with their own soundproofing journey. 


This Is NOT For You If...

  • You want to do it all yourself and are not afraid of making mistakes along the way.
  • You don't want to learn anything and just want to pay someone else to do the work for you.
  • You want a quick easy and cheap solution even if it doesn't give you the results you are looking for. 
  • You don't want to put in the work to build your studio and you don't really care about the details of how soundproofing works.


Some Frequently Asked Questions


Will I learn how to ventilate my studio and what HVAC to use?

Yes, we go in depth in different HVAC set ups and how to create a ventilation system.

Will this be hard to understand and really technical?

No, we like to keep everything simple. My teaching style is to describe thing to the average musician without any building or engineering knowledge.

Do you teach how to build a soundproof door?

Yes, we go over exactly how to treat for bass frequency build up in your room. 

How do I know how much all of this is going to cost? 

We have a budget calculator that takes your square footage and gives you a cost. It is that easy!

How do I calculate the size of my ducting?

We go over how to create a ventilation system that is quiet. You won’t lose sleep over a bunch of math equations. We just keep things simple and straightforward. 

What if I don’t like the course, can I get a refund?

Yes, we believe that our program is exceptional and the only one of its kind, but if you don’t feel the course was the best fit for you we have a 60 day money back guarantee. Plain and simple! 

We Are Offering Some Exclusive Bonuses 


Listen To The Content Anywhere With The Exclusive Podcast

The course comes with a private podcast so you can listen to lessons on the commute to work, while washing dishes or while taking the dog for a walk.


Join Our Exclusive Soundproofing Community


Included in the course is a vibrant community of likeminded people who also are building their dream home studios. This community is hosted on our dedicated platform so you don't have to have Facebook to join or login. 

The Soundproof Your Studio community is a great place to post questions, achievements or help out your fellow classmates. 

You Could Hire A Soundproof Studio Designer For $50,000+


You Could Hire An Acoustician For $10,000+ to design your acoustic treatment


You Could Do It All Yourself and Make $5,000+ in mistakes




You can invest in How To Build A Soundproof Studio and save tens of thousands of dollars!


My Simple Soundproofing Method Course Is Packed With Value

Included In The Course:

  • 40+ Video Lessons on How To Design, Build and Acoustically Treat Your Studio ($600 Value)
  • Exclusive Private Podcast Of The Entire Course ($150)
  • Exclusive Access To Our Private Community ($150)
  • Lifetime Access To New Material ($250)

The Total Value Of This Course Is - $1,150

But you are not going to pay that!

You can get instant access to my Simple Soundproofing Method for just one payment of $197.

Get Started

See What Students Are Saying About Soundproof Your Studio

Hello Wilson i hope you are having a great day. So far so good im pretty much more than happy with the studio im finishing up on these days thanks to your free course and Soundproof Your Studio videos, those have been the most right/handed support for my personal project and studio ambitions, i feel so pleased with the time i’ve invested learning through the information you have shared. Definetly will never regret it.

Thank you Wilson, keep the good things on
I send you the best energy from here,

Santiago Grazt, Colombia

"This course is an awesome resource for anyone doing home recording. I would've killed to have this when I first started producing and mixing records.  All the information is well organized and in one place. I can't explain how much better this is than endless youtube rabbit holes."  - Max Harwood, Mix Engineer, Co-Founder of Lewis Del Mar

Don't forget: it's completely risk free


I have packed a lot into How To Build A Soundproof Studio because not only do I want you to create your dream home recording studio that you deserve, but I wan't to guarantee that you don't fail.

To make this a no-brainer deal for you I'm giving you a 60 day 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of How To Build A Soundproof Studio.

That's right: go through the course, check out the bonuses, follow the steps, put in the work and if you don't love it in the first 60 days of your purchase, send me an email and I will refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

If How To Build A Soundproof Studio doesn't work fo you, I'd much prefer you take your money and invest it where you will be happier and get results. I just want you to have that dream home recording studio!



Top features

  • 49 Videos Teaching You How To Design and Build Your Soundproof Studio
  • Videos Teaching You How To Set Up Your Listening Position
  • Learn How To Acoustically Treat Your Studio
  • Access To The Community
  • Access To The Exclusive Podcast
  • Over 30 minutes of bonus in depth videos on building a door, HVAC, and a full studio tour of my studio. 



Best Value

  • 49 Videos Teaching You How To Design and Build Your Soundproof Studio
  • Videos Teaching You How To Set Up Your Listening Position
  • Learn How To Acoustically Treat Your Studio
  • Access To The Community
  • Access To The Exclusive Podcast
  • Over 30 minutes of bonus in depth videos on building a door, HVAC, and a full studio tour of my studio. 

You are at a crossroads...


It might be easy enough to continue surfing the web and buying a few books you may or may not read. 


You can invest in your future and make music in a beautiful professional studio. 

Right now you may feel lost, confused or overwhelmed. 

It might seem like there are too many options and no clear path to building that dream studio.

Or maybe you are hung up on that door design. 

Maybe if you could only understand HVAC and soundproofing everything would click. 

Or maybe you are so close to understanding how to acoustically treat your room, but feel paralyzed with all the options for panels. 

It doesn't have to be this way! 

If you invest in a guide to take you from wanting a dream home studio to having a dream home studio how would that feel? Pretty good right:) 


Imagine a year from today...


Imagine a year from today you are waking up and grinding some fresh coffee and you walk out back to your beautiful soundproof recording studio. You open the door and close it behind you. Suddenly, there is silence, peace and quiet. You fire up your computer and equipment and sit down in your mixing chair. You look around and can't believe what you have built. It is exactly like you imagined. You begin recording and it sounds pristine and perfect. When you mix they translate perfectly to your car! Friends come over and you see their eyes widen and mouths drop when you invite them in. Your clients feel comfortable. and are excited to take photos of your space. 

You can have all of that - it is within your reach and I am here to help coach you along every step of the way. 

Join How To build A soundproof Studio today and let's change your life, art, career and your sense of what you can accomplish.

P.S. - Don't forget that when you join How To Build Your Soundproof Studio you are joining risk-free. Go through the course, check out the bonuses, follow the steps, put in the work and if you don't love it in the first 60 days of your purchase, send me an email and I will refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

P.P.S. - Trust me when I say, once you have a soundproof studio there is no going back. It truly is like nothing else and makes producing music a dream.

The beauty of this course is that you can get my proven system and not have to overthink every step of your design or build. 

Do your future self a favor and be brave, invest in yourself, get the training that is guaranteed and proven and buid your dream home recording studio. 

Your life will never be the same! 

See you on the inside...

Wilson Harwood



Top features

  • 49 Videos Teaching You How To Design and Build Your Soundproof Studio
  • Videos Teaching You How To Set Up Your Listening Position
  • Learn How To Acoustically Treat Your Studio
  • Access To The Community
  • Access To The Exclusive Podcast
  • Over 30 minutes of bonus in depth videos on building a door, HVAC, and a full studio tour of my studio. 



Best Value

  • 49 Videos Teaching You How To Design and Build Your Soundproof Studio
  • Videos Teaching You How To Set Up Your Listening Position
  • Learn How To Acoustically Treat Your Studio
  • Access To The Community
  • Access To The Exclusive Podcast
  • Over 30 minutes of bonus in depth videos on building a door, HVAC, and a full studio tour of my studio.